The Magdelane
Inspired by the liturgical poetry/sermons and art of Jan Richardson
The sections in blue are either direct quotes or close to a direct quote.
That Jan offers freely for use with proper citation.
© Jan Richardson.
The Magdelane
He revealed himself to her
In the darkness
In the emptiness of what was
He called HER name
At the first sign of his presence reborn
He did not call a male devotee
To witness, to behold
No – that is not the story
Standing at the empty tomb dumbfounded
He called Mary
Standing at the threshold
The liminal space between the anguish and the miraculous
Between the pain and the forgiveness
She stood confused
Then heard her name being called
The recognition of her soul being whispered
And IN the calling – she was seen
Recognized for her devotion
For her deep and profound wisdom
For her lived experience of transformation
He Called her in the garden
IN the garden was the encounter
In the garden
Where spring emerges always
Where life arises always
Where aliveness is home
He called her and in the calling
She had to decide
Would she carry the mantle of this calling
This ache
This task
Would she say yes to being called by god no matter the journey
Or would she cling to what was known, familiar and safe
Would she let go and wander the countryside proclaiming
What she had seen
“Becoming who she was meant to be
…….Apostle to the apostles
For although this may be a garden, it is not a place to put down roots
It is a place of consecration.
The tomb is not the end or even a place to stop
This is not the end towards which we have been traveling.
It is the threshold that will change everything
From here
It is the beginning”