
Mar 24 2024


2:30 pm - 4:30 pm

The Pulse of Life: A REST workshop with Alli Hutchins

If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.”
— Nikola TeslaTHE PULSE OF LIFE-

A REST* workshop with Alli Hutchins

re-embodiment-somatic -technique


40$ (assistance is available, no one will be turned away due to cost)
A Master Community class
-guiding us through a new layer of the Kriya experience.
Weaving Kundalini yoga, an introduction to a micro- pulsating contraction technique, deep stretching, and sound – you are led through a series of intentional somatic movements that deeply open and transforms the mind, body, spirit connection -emanating outward – while fostering deeply rooted inner strength, and the invitation to Rest in the pulsating energy vibrations of our being.


Vibration is communication.
The human body is a conduit for vibratory change – movements, breath , sound, and the pulsation within the body are the key to unlocking the intrinsic Healing nature within us.
What emanates from our being affects our surroundings, our relationships and our experience of the world itself.
I am looking forward to sharing this beautiful and powerful group experience.
-As always- Wear comfortable clothing, Prepare to move!  ( active and still)- to sit , to breathe, to vibrate;) and the rest will reveal itself when we are together. All levels are welcome,


Bring yourself as you are.

Bring your mats-


Teens welcome-❤️

+14 recommended ( please be sure if you decide to bring young(er) children that they are able to stay present, and not disrupt the integrative experience for others- also, taking in consideration their ability to process the information(if you have questions about this, please reach out to me.)
Teens can accompany adults (10$)
What we need now. – is a deep, rooted connection to ourselves, so that we can better serve the world. –
Spread the word;)

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